Letter As Form

This project was an academic assignment for the class Introduction to Graphic Design. The objective of this assignment was to teach the student to critically observe certain characteristics about characters, typefaces, and the relationship between text and image through various assignments displayed below.

This logo was a culmination of the assigned letter, chosen typeface (Garamond) and a chosen number (same type size). It was up to the student to decide the positioning of the letter and number. I particularly liked the negative space that created a somewhat organic form between the e and the number 3. 
From there, I had to create a pattern using 16 tiles of my selected module (either black on white or the inverse). 
After the pattern, I was assigned to cut the module (now black on white) in two ways, then rotate and pair the 32 pieces in a way that there were no shapes that were exactly repeated. However, I could rotate the shapes if there were a duplicate. The goal was to create interacting forms.
This spread was assigned to test our ability to create harmonious relationships between text and image. I found an image that captured the motion of the letter "e" and paired it with a large letter, a title, and a short written paragraph about the history of the letter.
Finally, I created a brochure for a mock exhibit. The text was pre-written, and I used prior assignments for the visual elements. From there, I used text and image to create a cohesive design that worked across the product.
Letter and Form

Letter and Form
